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Hilwi Story

What does it mean to be a farmer in Palestine?
Between wheat and olives, a woman fighter |Hilwi
They named me Hilwi after my grandmother; it means Jamila (beautiful in English). I got married at the age of 17, and the first gift I received from my husband was a box of candy. I grew up on the land I planted and cared for like it was my own child. My children studied and graduated from universities thanks to the work on this land.
Our village is surrounded by settlements and settlers who continuously attack the Palestinian farmers. ‼️ We were attacked many times , but the most difficult of these times was when I was run over by a settler who fled with no guilt for his crime.. As a result of the accident, I was between life and death, but thanks to God, I returned and recovered and I went back to planting on my land through the summer, spring, fall and winter


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