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Each Story Matters ...


Mai Zarkawi Story

Mai Zarkawi, 25 years old, jewelry designer\artist and dancer

My passion started from exploring the movement of my body and how it moves through empty space.
I grew up in a small Palestinain village, Majd al-kroum.I had an amazing childhood where I would play in the backyard; in the soil, running barefoot with friends, where I could feel everything around me with all my senses.
I grew up creating materials with my hands, in pursuit of identity., When I started studying jewelry design, I was always carrying my inner child inside of me looking and exploring to find my identity.
Jewelry for me is not only an accessory, it is a story and a message to be told. Through the materials and techniques, I seek to discover myself through the topics that I deal with, which are usually related to
individual identity and community identity.
I have exhibited my artwork in many countries such as Germany,

Budapest, Moscow, and France, while continuing to work in the jewelry field


A digital platform that presents illustrated stories about the lives of Palestinians

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