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Dema Koraz Story

Dima Koraz – Gaza
“Dancing is the way I express myself, my feelings, and my thoughts. When I dance, I feel as if I was a flying bird. I’ve been dancing since I was a little girl. I used to watch YouTube videos and imitate the dancers’ moves

My family was so supportive, they encouraged me to learn how to dance.
Gaza is full of talented people who are seeking chances, but the Gaza situation is a big obstacle for them. It also affects me, I wish I could learn more about my hobby from specialists, but this is not possible right now

Two years ago, the girls were not allowed here in Gaza to go on stage and perform because of the traditions of the society, we kept trying and trying to break the rules, now we can perform but under specific conditions

When I first started performing, I learned Dabka, then we started to merge contemporary dancing with Dabka so we can deliver our messages through dancing
So far, I performed four dances on stage, the first time I got up on the stage, I was so nervous, there were so many people waiting to see me dancing, but then I decided to forget about everything and start dancing.

It was a wonderful experience.
Whenever I am down, I play music and dance.”


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