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Mohammad Abu El-Oun

My name is Mohammad Abu El-Oun. I’m 34-years-old and I am from Gaza City.

I haven’t completed my BA degree. I have worked in business, but the situation in the Gaza Strip is no longer stable because of the wars and the coronavirus crisis. As a result, I was unable to provide for my 10-member family, the majority of whom were children.

I looked for a permanent job but I couldn’t find one, until I decided to make a small ornamental plants kiosk on the street. I worked hard to pay for the tree transportation, and I used to sleep on the street to protect my plants. Hence, I considered recycling items.I tried to make vases‎ out of unused paper and plastic. I started working on it from home until my idea became a reality. So I began to make ornamental plants in different shapes at very reasonable prices.Now that winter has arrived,I’m unable to sell in the street, so I have begun to sell online through my Instagram page. I still have modest abilities and hope that someone will admire my work and support my project.


A digital platform that presents illustrated stories about the lives of Palestinians

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