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Farah Al-Ajl

Farah Al-Ajl, 20, is from Gaza City. About two years ago, she decided to paint on all the old artifacts in her home. She noticed how she was able to give life to simple, dull items. One day, she took some of my mother’s old accessories and tried to repair them with LED wires, and from there the idea of ​​using wires to make accessories was born.

In the beginning, she worked on making a small amount of accessories in order to see the reaction of those around her. “I was surprised by the encouragement from my family and friends, as well as my followers on Instagram. Many urged me to work harder to have my first project of accessories made entirely of wire.”

She was afraid to take this step and she knew that such a field needs a long time to start bringing in a profit. But her need to complete her university studies was a strong motivator to keep going forward. “And here I am today, a year later, and with love, I tell you about an important part of my life.”


A digital platform that presents illustrated stories about the lives of Palestinians

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