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Muhammad Rajab

In Gaza, Rajab is surfing in search of freedom.

Despite the difficult conditions that youth people in the Gaza strip encounter, Muhammad Rajab continues to hone his skills, despite the siege and restrictions. Rajab describes Gaza as the largest open-air prison in the world, and the city’s youth find their freedom out on the sea; it is their only outlet. It has become a place where young men go out and surge, to overcome the difficulties of their reality.

Despite the danger and their simple and inexpensive surfboards, they created a club and actively train in the sport that they love.

The waters of the Gaza Sea are hardly the clearest, and the sea is mostly calm and is a greenish-gray color due to the sewage that seeps into it, but this does not stop the youth of Gaza from continuing to pursue their dreams.


A digital platform that presents illustrated stories about the lives of Palestinians

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