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Dao’ud family

This is a story of a Palestinian legacy from one of the oldest families in Gaza, Dao’ud family.

They started their car business since 1900, and they passed it from a generation to another despite all the difficult circumstances. And the most significant thing about the story, is a 1973 vintage Fiat car.

Ahmed Da’oud 39, “This car has always been special to me, holding all the warm memories from my childhood, it became our source of happiness. My first memory was in 1984, when my father took me home the day I was born by this car. The process of reviving it was challenging, in 2007 I started working on it so I can surprise my wife. After a couple of years when I had my first son, I did the same as my father did with me. I keep the family rituals each Friday by taking them on a ride. And no amount of money can sell a family’s history.”

Khalil Da’oud 76, “I remember when my friend brought the car for me 50 years ago from Jaffa. It was like yesterday when I used to ride it to Jerusalem. Its memories are engraved in the heart”.


A digital platform that presents illustrated stories about the lives of Palestinians

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