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Omar Sharabati

A Jerusalemite, Omar Sharabati dances with fire.

He says that performing with fire is a popular form of art, widespread internationally, but rare in Palestine.

“I began performing with fire in order to introduce it to the community and popularize it. In my performances، I include dancing, rhythm, circus, and movement rhythm. I usuallt do two types of shows: Childrens’ shows and Fire shows.”

After two years of practicing for fire performances, Omar is an expert in the art.

“My degree in sociology gave me the ability to understand people’s needs, which helps me mirror their needs in my performances. I faced a number of obstacles: I didn’t have a mentor to guide me, all I know about this art is self-taught.”

“I performed in the south of Palestine, the north, and in Jerusalem. Performing in my country is only the first step, the next will be the whole Arab world, the third in going internationally.”


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