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Dr. Abu Aker

Dr. Abu Aker in Jerusalem

Inside the operations room of Al-Maqasid Hospital in the city of Jerusalem, the surgeon Firas Abu Aker, pours all his focus into his patient and his operation, regardless of the long hours he has spent inside this room, the lungs or the chest cavity and other organs using the monoscope.

What makes his work more difficult, is that he is the only doctor in Jerusalem and the occupied Territory who performs such operations, which are made :by an incision of one wound between three and four hundred centimeters” which relieves the patient’s pain after the operation. This is the best way to perform 90% of complex lung and bronchial operations.

Abu Aker grew up in Jerusalem, finishing high school before leaving to study medicine in Egypt, and completed specialization in thoracic surgery using laparscopes, in China at the largest laparoscopic survey center in Shanghai. He wanted to return to his homeland, with his mind set on providing assistance to patients here.

This is a story about the people of Jerusalem.


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